Terms & Conditions
Fundraising Page Terms & Conditions
These terms and conditions apply to any Fundraiser soliciting donations through a Fundraising Page on behalf of Lifeline Australia (ABN 84 081 031 263).
By agreeing to these terms and conditions, you confirm that you have read and agree to Lifeline's Privacy Policy.
In these terms and conditions:
- Authority to Fundraise means the approval from Lifeline Australia to a Fundraiser to solicit donations on Lifeline Australia’s behalf via an online Fundraising Page;
- Fundraiser means the individual or organisation the Fundraising Page has been created by;
- Fundraising Page means the page created on the Website for the purpose of soliciting donations on behalf of Lifeline Australia;
- Funds means the donations solicited via the Fundraising Page;
- Website means Lifeline Australia’s In Memory website at https://inmemory.lifeline.org.au/.
- By creating a Fundraising Page, these are the terms and conditions you are agreeing to, and Lifeline Australia is providing you with an Authority to Fundraise.
- The Authority to Fundraise will be subject to any applicable state and federal legislation, and any other directions, rules or guidelines imposed by Lifeline Australia from time to time.
- The Authority to Fundraise will cease automatically upon completion or termination of the Fundraising Page, unless advised otherwise by Lifeline Australia.
The Fundraiser acknowledges and agrees that:
- the Fundraising Page will display the Fundraiser’s name;
- the Fundraiser is solely responsible for managing the Fundraising Page;
- the Fundraiser must act in an appropriate and responsible way and any behaviour deemed by Lifeline Australia to be damaging Lifeline Australia’s good name or good will in the community will result in immediate termination of the Fundraiser’s Authority to Fundraise;
- any children under 16 years of age must have the permission of a parent or guardian before creating a Fundraising Page or making a donation.
- should the Fundraising Page place undue stress, duress, distress to them financially, socially or on their physical and mental well-being, the Fundraiser must notify Lifeline Australia immediately and in doing so Lifeline Australia reserves the right to withdraw the Fundraiser’s Authority to Fundraise;
- the Fundraiser will not, in any way, represent that they are a representative, employee or agent of Lifeline Australia and will make it clear that any Funds arising from the Fundraising Page will be forwarded to Lifeline Australia.
- the Fundraiser will not undertake any door-to-door, street sales, telephone-based approaches for donations in connection with the Fundraising Page.
The Fundraiser warrants that:
- they are in proper physical and mental condition to organise and run the Fundraising Page and acknowledge that they are aware of any risks involved and voluntarily agree to assume those risks;
- the Fundraising Page is moral and ethical and does not involve any industries or affiliations that are in conflict with the values and purpose of Lifeline Australia.
- The financial, fundraising, record keeping, and management aspects of the Fundraising Page are entirely the Fundraiser’s responsibility, and they must comply with any obligations imposed by the applicable legislation, rules or regulations in the jurisdiction where they operate.
- In relation to any Funds:
- all Funds raised by the Fundraiser will be made directly to the Fundraising Page or in the case of cash (Cash Funds), will be held by the Fundraiser on behalf of Lifeline Australia;
- the Fundraiser must ensure that all Cash Funds raised are kept in a secure place;
- the Fundraiser will, as a legal requirement, deposit all Cash Funds within 14 days of receiving the Funds to your Fundraising Page or to Lifeline Australia’s bank account (provided upon request).
- The Fundraiser ensures that the Fundraising Page is self-funded and will not incur any expenses in the name of Lifeline Australia.
- Lifeline Australia is a registered charity and donations of $2 or more are tax deductible. Please note that the Australian Taxation Office have ruled that donations are not tax- deductible if a person receives goods or services in return for the money given (i.e. the purchase of any services or items, raffle / action / competition tickets or event entry tickets etc.) For further information on tax deductibility visit the Australian Taxation Office website, https://www.ato.gov.au.
- The Fundraiser is not an employee or agent of Lifeline Australia, nor is the Fundraiser acting in any other representative capacity. The Fundraiser is responsible for all activities relating to the Fundraising Page and will do so at their own risk. It is the responsibility of the Fundraiser to ensure the safety of themselves.
- The Fundraiser agrees to release Lifeline Australia to the fullest extent permitted by law for all claims and demands of any kind associated with any activity relating to the Fundraising Page and indemnifies Lifeline Australia against any liability, action, claim, suit, damage, cost and expense (including all legal fees), to the extent that the claim or action brought against Lifeline Australia is connected to, in relation to or arising out of the Fundraiser’s:
- negligence; or
- breach of, or default under, these terms and conditions.
- Lifeline Australia will not be liable for any injury, damage or loss sustained as a result of any activities relating to the Fundraising Page.
- The Fundraiser agrees to supply all information provided to Lifeline Australia to the relevant government agencies in their State upon request should licenses be required.
- The Fundraiser agrees that Lifeline Australia accepts no responsibility for any food related accidents or injuries that may occur during a fundraising activity or event including food allergies, adverse reactions, food poisoning, anaphylaxis, other illnesses or sickness caused by food products and/or their preparation, storage, handling, presentation or consumption.
- The Fundraiser acknowledges that the public liability insurance and other insurance policies held by Lifeline Australia do not cover the Fundraising Page, and any other fundraising activities conducted by external groups or individuals.
- Media
- Due to limited resources, Lifeline Australia cannot undertake media relations for the Fundraiser.
- Lifeline Australia will provide the Fundraiser with a copy of the Branding Guidelines upon request. The Fundraiser must comply with the Branding Guidelines in relation to any marketing and media materials relating to the Fundraising Page.
- The Fundraiser must only use Lifeline’s Proudly Supporting logo in accordance with the Branding Guidelines provided.
- All marketing and media materials, including press releases, must be approved by Lifeline Australia prior to distribution.
- Lifeline Australia must be notified of all planned media activity in advance, and of all unplanned media activity immediately.
- Any approach made to celebrities for support must be discussed with Lifeline Australia and approved prior to any contact being made.
- Marketing
- Prior approval must be sought from Lifeline Australia for any promotional materials (printed or electronic), or advertisements associated with the Fundraising Page, including use of Lifeline Australia’s supporter logo.
- Permission for logo usage may attract conditions, negotiated between Lifeline Australia and the Fundraiser, especially if the use of logo is for marketing activities of an organisation, and a minimum donation may have to be guaranteed.
- Fundraising Page and Content
- Lifeline Australia does not actively monitor fundraising pages. Lifeline Australia does not allow:
- Material that breaches or may breach the intellectual property rights of others, i.e. copying and pasting content from other websites;
- Material that breaches or may breach the privacy of others, i.e. the publication of personal details or other identifiable information;
- Any offensive material, for example, racist, sexist, not G-rated; or
- Any material that has the potential to breach the law or that Lifeline Australia finds objectionable.
- The Fundraiser agrees that their Fundraising Page may be archived after 12 months.
- By submitting any photographs or other information via the Fundraising Page or Website, the Fundraiser consents to such photographs and information being published online on the Website or in any other method of publication now and in the future.
- The Fundraiser represents that they have all rights to or have obtained the necessary consents or releases from the subjects of any photographs or the providers or owners of any information submitted to the Fundraising Page.
- Lifeline Australia reserves the right to remove any offending material from your Fundraising Page or may decide to close or request that you close your Fundraising Page altogether.
- Lifeline Australia reserves the right to terminate its support for the Fundraising Page and/or withdraw the Fundraiser’s Authority to Fundraise at any time if it appears that there is a likelihood of the Fundraiser failing to meet any of the responsibilities specified in these terms and conditions.
- Upon termination of the Fundraising Page for any reason, the Fundraiser will forward to Lifeline Australia all Funds solicited within 14 days of the notice of the termination.